Ward-Suzuki Residence

Ward-Suzuki Residence

Type - Residential Projects

Location - Colorado, Summit County

Project Description

Ward / Suzuki Residence, Lot 2, Block 3, Sage Creek Subdivision; Silverthorne, CO; 3,600 s.f.; 1998.  [1]

The loft above the kitchen, the spectacular views of Red and Buffalo Mountains, and the undisturbed solar access led to this bow point design. The mid-level entry and the master suite on the left with the garage below can be seen on this western elevation of this summit county home (first image). The south elevation shows the wrap around deck with the bedrooms below and the dining area to the right. Behind the dining windows is a Trombe wall. High above the living room is a superheat take-off register to deliver the excess heat collected during the day to a rock bed storage that then returns to the entry for night time distribution throughout the home.

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