Residential Projects

381 Main Street – Minturn
Planning / Residential Projects , Minturn
Strawberry Fields Ranch
Planning / Residential Projects , GypsumDeer Blvd Duplex – Addition
Avon / Residential Projects , Eagle-Vail100 Abrams Creek Rd – Garage Addition
Residential Projects / Residential Projects - Current , Eagle
Selak Garage Addition
Residential Projects , Vail
Watson Estate
Residential Projects / Residential Projects - Current , North Carolina
Basingdale Duplex – West Vail
Residential Projects , VailSagebrush Housing
Multi-Family / Planning / Residential Projects , Gypsum
Summit Habitat for Humanity – Soda Creek
Multi-Family / Residential Projects , Summit County
Grandfather Mountain Duplex Renovation
Residential Projects , North Carolina
Zimmerman Addition
Residential Projects / Residential Projects - Current , North Carolina
Lake Sheila Renovation
Residential Projects , North Carolina
Wallace Residence
Residential Projects , South Carolina
Schenker Residence
Residential Projects , Other
Tullman Renovation
Residential Projects , EdwardsCahalin Residence – Renovation
Residential Projects , Vail
Taylor St – Residence
Residential Projects , Minturn
Mize Residence
Residential Projects , Eaglevan Kampen Renovation
Residential Projects , Vail
Stubbs Residence – Horse Mountain
Residential Projects , WolcottWe, at TAB Associates, Inc., are residential Architects in North Carolina and residential Architects in Colorado specializing in expertly built homes in multiple customizable layouts. Our unique construction improves the overall look and functionality of the home in addition to making it more energy efficient. We are North Carolina residential Architects and Colorado residential Architects that custom design homes – each having their own distinctive features that reflect your style. We believe in working with nature and creating a work of art that resembles your idea of the perfect home.
As residential architects also in Montana, we understand that there are many aspects in which custom homes trump conventional homes. They are long lasting and are better thermal insulators and can withstand the worst of the weather conditions.
If you think that the journey of building a custom home is filled with obstacles and if you are not able to find the best way to go about it, TAB Associates, Inc., has the expertise and resources to help you comfortably reach your ultimate destination.
We Design Homes that Perfectly Meet Your Style and Expectations
For most of us, building a new home is often the biggest investment we will ever make. TAB Associates takes this very seriously and we strive to provide you with a pleasing experience by making the complex process easy and fun! We are one of the most leading modern architects in North Carolina and Colorado and specialize in master planning, landscape and interior designing, and architectural services. We work with you throughout the process, from the conceptualizing phase until the completion of the project, to ensure you get exactly what you were looking for. At TAB Associates, our objective is to provide our clients with aesthetically pleasing yet highly functional and efficient homes.
We Approach Each Project with a Fresh Eye to Offer a Unique Experience
Because every client has a different set of requirements, we don’t work with templates — which has been our biggest strength. We approach each project with a fresh eye, and that’s how we can offer something special and unique to our clients every time we get to serve them. After gaining a clear understanding of your needs and vision, and keeping your budget and lifestyle in mind, we design a home that has the potential to not only meet but exceed your expectations. Our rich industry experience and involvement with numerous projects in the past have helped us build a solid reputation for ourselves in the community and provide our clients with designs that are second to none!
TAB Associates is a fully licensed, insured, and professional residential architect in North Carolina and Colorado. To discuss your project requirements and ask questions, give us a call today at (970) 766-1470, also (828) 372-4470 or send an email at or We are looking forward to hearing from you!