Architect Ego Vs. Ability

Architect Ego Vs. Ability

As in many professions, there’s a whole world of architecture that most people don’t know about until they’re on the other side of things. Within this world, there is a common struggle among architects to keep their professional ability and their personal ego separate in their work.  We believe that an architect’s worst enemy is his ego and his best ally is his ability to combine artistic expression, construction technology, and the client’s needs.

The practice of being an architect involves creativity and design among other important skills. Architects are honored and rewarded all the time for their masterpiece creations; for some, this is the greatest goal of their career. It’s never frowned upon to aim to reach your highest potential in your career, but as an architect, it is important to remember why you do what you do.

Architects are the professionals with all of the knowledge, and their customers hold the vision of the final product. In this scenario, it’s very important that the two of these people are on the same page. There are a few key qualities to look out for when choosing the right architect.

  1. Knowledge- If it was easy, we’d all do it. Architecture is an adept skill that pulls the strings of many areas of the brain including capabilities in engineering, social communication, legal matters, business and design. Be sure that your architect understands how to apply all of these skills to make your vision come to life.
  2. Confidence- A certain level of confidence is required to be an architect. Their personal belief in their abilities helps the customer to feel comfortable in their decision. It’s important that your architect can reassure you of their abilities but not get off track.
  3. Balance- This is the most important quality to look for. Balance is achieved when the architect has an even ability to exert both knowledge and confidence in his or her work. At the end of the day, the goal of the architect is to fulfill their client’s needs and create the masterpiece they’ve always wanted. This establishes true success and talent in the architect.

While it may seem obvious to look for knowledge and confidence in an architect, it’s finding a quality of balance that is truly significant. Then, you will know you’re in good hands.


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