Colorado Master Plan – 2018

Colorado Master Plan – 2018

Type - Educational, Planning

Location - Edwards

Project Description

We were hired to create a new Master Plan update of the plan we started in 2007. This new plan was to create additional buildings and build upon a previous plan.

New academic buildings and office space is a priority one need. We are planning for a new academic building behind the existing structure. Classrooms, office and a large auditorium is part of the concepts. We also provide for a possible new building in the front parking lot. An addition of about 50,000 sqft is wanted.

New parking with a possible solar field above is being considered.

Housing is another area of need noted by the College. A mix of housing styles is desirable. Dorm living with Co-living style spaces. Apartment style with garages is also wanted. Mixed units totaling 250 – 350 and about 120,000 sqft.

Some small commercial is being considered.