How Having Mood Enhancing Lights Helps Everyone

How Having Mood Enhancing Lights Helps Everyone

Light has the ability to alter moods, and mood lighting is especially important in the winter when you spend more time inside and sunlight is in short supply.

Light has the ability to alter moods, and mood lighting is especially important in the winter when you spend more time inside and sunlight is in short supply.

Have you every noticed that your mood becomes brighter and more cheerful when you step into a brightly lit room, but more somber when you’re in dim lighting? Light has the ability to alter moods, and you can use this ability to your advantage by including mood lighting in your home design.

Mood lighting is especially important in the winter when you spend more time inside and when sunlight is in short supply. Mood-enhancing lights deliver 10,000 lux of light, which is not quite as bright as sunlight, but close.

Mood enhancing lights are easy to use, especially when they’re worked into your home decor. Set one up in a corner, and spend an hour a day reading underneath it. The effects are greatest when you’re 2 feet from the light, but anyone who enters the room will experience an improved mood, thanks to the instant energizing effects.

Including a mood enhancing light in your office, living room or even dining room will decrease your risk of depression and may even help curb winter cravings. You’ll sleep more soundly at night, too.

Contact TAB Associates if you’re looking for experienced architects to design your home with mood lights.

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